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marți, februarie 12, 2013

Cum a devenit Bacăul inamicul britanicilor

Scurtă retrospectivă:
  1. Acum aproape un an de zile, un ziar britanic publica un articol despre găștile de infractori români, majoritatea originari din Bacău (!), care au devalizat rețeaua de bancomate din arhipelag. Enormele sume extrase fraudulos de către concitadinii noștri  ar susține, atenție, nu mai puțin de 70% din economia băcăuană, informație care îmi dă frisoane, gândindu-mă că poate locuiesc  în Medellin și nu în eastern Romania…
  2. Știrea este preluată și de alte publicații, și culmea, devine sursă bibliografică pentru caracterizarea Bacăului pe Wikipedia, versiunea în limba engleză.
  3. Acum câteva zile, un băcăuan stabilit de mai mulți ani în Marea Britanie, intră pe enciclopedia online, pentru a-și mai domoli dorul de casă. Cu stupoare citește caracterizarea orașului natal. Năduful îl cuprinde, având însă inspirația de a căuta butonul Edit, care îi permite să elimine aberațiile.

      În final, mă întreb oarecum firesc: câte accesări au avut aceste resurse media? Câte referate or fi făcut elevii din școlile anglo-saxone, având ca temă spațiul românesc? Neavând deocamdată un răspuns, voi începe o scrisoare pentru autorul articolului cu pricina, în care îi voi prezenta pe larg, în culori pastelat–bacoviene, boom-ul economic pe care îl traversează urbea mea. Un oraș cu un  buget generos, cu o calitate a vieții de invidiat pe orice meridian, grație celor 70%  - poate chiar 80% ! - din picăturile de sudoare cu aromă atlantică. Și pentru că acum îmi permit, ca orice băcăuan de altfel, mă voi duce la marketul din colț, voi cumpăra un stelaj de Golden Glory (îl cunosc pe patron, e fratele unui gangster care acționează subsersiv în domeniul băuturilor alcoolice englezești) și mă voi apuca de scris, savurând emergent. Să încep sau să termin scrisoarea cu un Why don`t you come over?

6 comentarii:

  1. Bravo, frumos articolul! Ar trebui publicat/preluat de cat mai multe ziare.

  2. Excelenta intiativa de a-i scrie autorului sau ziarelor respective, trebuie sa facem cat mai multi asta!

  3. Ziarele si jurnalistii britanici sunt printre cele mai infecte creaturi media din lume: xenofobi, rasisti (doar cu anumite etnii, mai pasnice..), frustrati. Asta e insa ce se cere si vinde bine publicului britanic caracterizat in buna parte de aceleasi adjective.... Trebuie sa reationam vehement de fiecare data, nu e o solutie sa plecam capul si sa asteptam sa treaca...Felicitari pt articol Luciane!

  4. Dear Mr Jones,

    I am saddened by your reaction to my request. It is your right to defend the reputation of the Daily Mail, the problem is that in their article there is a very serious mistake, this is why information contained in it should not be mentioned on your webpage, if you really want it to be a reliable source of information.

    The article states that: "£30million is stolen through the crimes each year" and "Proceeds of crime now makes up 70 per cent of Bacau's economy".
    Please have a look (using a translation software, if necessary) at the most authoritative source of information for economic data in Romania – the Romanian National Institute of Statistics.

    You will find here the annual GDP (Produsul intern brut) for Bacau for the years 2004-2009 in millions of RON at current prices (milioane lei (RON) preţuri curente).
    For the year 2009, this is of 11784.8 million RON which represents 2304765120.80 British Pound Sterling (over 2 billion pounds). How can 30 million pounds stolen by these gangs represent 70% of 2 billion pounds?
    No, dear Sir, the result is 1613335584.56 GBP, so if these guys steal 30 million each year, they will need 53.7 years to reach that amount (supposedly representing 70% of Bacau’s economy).

    I hope that these arguments would make you reconsider your decision of allowing such abusive statements on your website and offending so many people. Everybody makes mistakes but I think it’s inexcusable to perpetuate such mistakes when you are presented with true real data and calculations. I would really like to place all my trust in what I read on your website and we should all work together to achieve this goal.

    My congratulations to the Wikipedia team for their great work.




  5. Dear Daily Mail team,

    my message regards the article "Rolling in it: Romanian gangs behind nine in ten cashpoint robberies rake in £30m a year" by
    NICK MCDERMOTT published in the online edition on 25 May 2012 (

    I am appalled by the crimes described but also by the baseless exaggerations presented here.

    The article states that: "£30million is stolen through the crimes each year" and "Proceeds of crime now makes up 70 per cent of Bacau's economy". Please have a look (using a translation software, if necessary) at the most authoritative source of information for economic data in Romania – the Romanian National Institute of Statistics.

    You will find here the annual GDP (Produsul intern brut) for Bacau for the years 2004-2009 in millions of RON at current prices (milioane lei (RON) preţuri curente).
    For the year 2009, this is of 11784.8 million RON which represents 2304765120.80 British Pound Sterling (over 2 billion pounds). How can 30 million pounds stolen by these gangs represent 70% of 2 billion pounds?
    No, dear journalists, the result is 1613335584.56 GBP, so if these guys steal 30 million each year, they will need 53.7 years to reach that amount (supposedly representing 70% of Bacau’s GDP in one year).

    Could Mr. McDermott tell me what were the sources he used in his calculations? If they are true, I humbly apologise for daring to "defend the honour" of so many honest hard working people who felt offended when reading the article and who feel ashamed and revolted by what a tiny minority of fellow countrymen do around the world.

    I hope that these arguments would make you consider removing the article from your website or at least correcting/admitting the wrong information presented. Everybody makes mistakes but I think it’s inexcusable to perpetuate such mistakes when you are presented with true real data and calculations. I would really like to place all my trust in what I read on your website and we should all do our best to achieve this goal.

    My congratulations to your team for their great work.



  6. The problem is that in this case you are not applying consistent policies everywhere. Why do not all articles referring to a city/place have a Crime and Economy section? Don't you think there is enough information or articles on crime in Palermo or Naples - the main hubs of the Italian mafia? Aren't there enough articles in the Daily Mail about crime in London or Manchester for example to be posted on your pages referring to these cities?
    But of course you wouldn't dare do that. What you are doing is not fair and this information should not be there. It does not have any informative value and is based on a badly written article. It was put there with the intention to harm and discredit, if not out of pure xenophobia and narrow mindedness. You should take this into account if you want to be the most reliable encyclopedic website.

    I am really disappointed with this type of attitude and this will make me never repeat the mistake of making donations again to your website.
    I will make sure to inform as many people as possible about your biased attitude and restrictive policies/practices. I am sure many will think twice before using your website...
    This is a very disappointing day for me.
